Faith McGinn
Faith started her work supporting families in 1996 and became a specialist in the
childbearing year. She runs a nonprofit clinic in Denver, Colorado, but is
originally Canadian. She has 2 daughters and a spouse that is equally committed
to the cause of supporting families everywhere to meet their parenting goals. She especially enjoys medically challenging and seemingly impossible infant feeding cases. Her YouTube channel has millions of views and tens of thousands of followers (wagonbird) and provides education content to parents and professionals.
Ashley Walsh
Ashley is skilled at helping breastfeeding parents and infants achieve a pain-free latch, assessing and treating low milk supply, creating comprehensive and individualized care plans, offering thorough return to work education and support, and much more. Ashley believes that breastfeeding can be empowering and rewarding, improves worldwide health and well-being, and that there truly is no substitute for human milk. She is here to help you build your confidence and trust in your body to do what it was designed to do, and support you in reaching your personal infant feeding goals.